Smart growth marketing for social enterprises

Service Packages

Attract and convert your ideal audience

How many times have you thought, “We’re making a huge difference, so why aren’t people beating down our door?”

With a crystal clear message and a tailored marketing plan, I can help you develop the channels and content to attract customers who care as much as you do.


Starting at $3,500

In one day, with a follow up session afterwards, we work 1:1 to roll up our sleeves and develop your brand message, elevator pitch, and marketing playbook.

Brand Messaging & Marketing Playbook

Starting at $5,000

I work with you to co-create a value-driven brand message and elevator pitch, as well as a marketing playbook that converts casual interest to passionate customers and donors.

Websites, Copywriting, & Lead Generation

Starting at $10,000

You and I develop your brand message and marketing playbook, then create the content to implement your marketing plan and help your business grow to new heights.

* Special projects and monthly retainer opportunities are available for select clients. Schedule a consultation to discuss your needs.

Asian man, professional, with light moustache and beard, wearing open white oxford shirt and blue blazer

What it’s like to work with me

“As a member of the McGinty, Inc. team, Wendy took the lead of writing and managing the production of two high-profile glossy brochures that featured the bold new LEED-certified renovations of our New York headquarters.

Not only did she eloquently capture our brand voice, she also conveyed The Rockefeller Foundation's values in a deep and authentic way. She managed tight deadlines and multiple stakeholders with ease.

We were proud to distribute these beautiful brochures to our Trustees and during our grand opening, and we have already ordered reprints. I enjoyed working with Wendy and hope to do so again in the future!”

- Joseph Peralta, Global Director of Design and Brand Experience, The Rockefeller Foundation

Professional Black woman with long hair,  smiling at camera, wearing black top

“Wendy deftly handled the nuanced writing and brand voice for MIT Sloan's new welcome guide for students that highlighted the school's DEI commitment.

She is a fantastic collaborator, thought partner, and teammate. I hope we have a chance to work together again!"
- Jennifer Madar, Principal, Madar Marcom

Let's revolutionize your marketing approach